Using the principles of person-centred practice, the team of consultants at Person Centred Training provide solutions to the people we work with that include Engineering, Mining, Petrochemical, Fire and Security Services across Australia to assist in developing positive workplace cultures. Aswell as in assisting building person centred teams that everyone wants to be a part of. Person Centred Training has a rich and proud history of helping organisations of all sizes and industries successfully implement change management, workplace compliance and people-management for over 15 years.

At Person Centred Training, we work together with many reputable organisations, including being a member of the Institute of Advisors, a member of the SAI Global Affiliates Program, and being acertified Genos Emotional Intelligence practitioner. Our staff have undergone training with BSI Group in terms of auditing and compliance in the following areas:

  • ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Assurance
  • Trained as Lead Auditors
  • ISO 45001 WHSE / OHSE Requirements
  • ISO 27001Information Security Requirements
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Requirements
  • ISO 31000 Risk Management Implementation
  • ISO 45003 Psychosocial Risks in the Workplace

Paul is also a registered Lead Auditor for ISO Management Systems


Workplace compliance is essential for the short and long-term survival of any organisation. Our dedicated team at Person Centred Training help you tick all of the boxes, including accreditation to improve opportunities to access funding, to improve success with tender submission compliance and application preparation for internationally recognised ISO standards for Quality Management Systems (QMS). We offer consulting and guidance to steer your business towards compliance success. Compliance in an organisational context is the act of complying with the rules, regulations, or standards relevant to your business and industry. In business, compliance is essential. With a compliance program in place, organisations have processes in place to avoid negative exposure, lawsuits, improve their bottomline and retain staff.

Organisational compliance covers both internal policies and procedures, as well as Federal and State legislation. Enforcing compliance helps organisations prevent and detect violations of rules, which protects the organisation from fines and lawsuits. The compliance process should be ongoing and continuously monitored as a part of the Quality Management System and Continuous Improvement Process. In corporate and organisational management, compliance is the process of ensuring an organisation and its employees follow applicable Legislation, Regulations, Acts, Standards, and ethical practices. In addition to following internal policies, compliance also means being consistent with both State and Federal Legislation.

Reasons for encouraging organisational compliance;

  • Reducing the potential for Legal challenges or complications
  • Improves operational efficiency and safety, promoting a safer workplace Improves public relation sand company image
  • Improves employee engagement, retention and corporate culture
  • Helps to realise a company’s mission statement
  • Fosters and develops the trust of customers (existing and potential)

ISO Standards are primarily customer focused and provide a framework to demonstrate to your customers, that you care and are committed not only to quality in your products and services, but also in the way that you deliver those products and services. The ISO Standards also provide a framework for your streamlining and improving your processes and the efficiency of your system sand processes, thus improving your customer outcome.